Monday, April 28, 2014

Life on the Runway

 ( dress: Ellie Saab)

Viata e un podium. Traim intr-o societate atat de critica incat chiar si atunci cand mergi pana la colt dupa paine, simti nevoia sa te aranjezi putin, ca poate-poate te intalnesti cu vreun fost sau vreo colega fandosita de liceu.

In ziua de azi conteaza mai mult cum arati decat ce zici sau ce faci. Femeile frumoase au cele mai mari sanse la faima, lux si par sa traiasca o viata fabuloasa la care tu doar visezi. Ghici ce? Si tu esti frumoasa! Da-da, ai citit bine! Si tu esti frumoasa! Trebuie doar sa crezi asta! Si sa “lucrezi” putin…

Helena Rubinstein spunea ca “nu exista femei urate, doar femei lenese”. De obicei aceste femei “lenese” se desconsidera. Prefera sa creada ca nu au fost inzestrate de la natura cu anumite calitati, sa invidieze in secret femeile frumoase, fara sa stie ca frumusetea se mentine cu “munca” Si aici nu ma refer neaparat la “bisturiu” sau la vizite  costisitoare la salon. 

Schimbarea trebuie sa vina prima data din interior. Trebuie sa incepi prin a lucra la increderea in tine. Daca tu nu te vezi frumoasa, nici ceilalti nu o vor face! Chiar si acele femei pe care le admiri au probleme cu increderea in sine. Multe ajung sa nu fie niciodata multumite de aspectul fizic. Fac schimbari drastice si ireversibile si ajung sa se urateasca.

Dupa ce ai lucrat la increderea in tine, poti incepe sa lucrezi la aspectul fizic. Sa iti creezi propriul stil. Sa renunti la kitsch si sa investesti in tine. Nu bani, ci timp si sentimente.

Frumusetea nu se cumpara, frumusetea se descopera si se mentine.

Iti propun sa invatam impreuna sa traim frumos. Sa ne simtim frumoase, sa ne ingrijim si sa ne construim propria viata fabuloasa. 

Viata pe podium e grea, Cenusareaso, dar nu imposibila! Trebuie doar sa “lucrezi” putin…

Cu drag,

Ps: pentru postari noi intra pe

(EN) Life is a runway. We live in a society so critical that even when you go to your corner shop, you feel the need to polish up that maybe you will meet up with an ex or a foppish friend from high school.

Today, how you look is more important than what you say or what you do. Beautiful women have the best chance at fame, luxury and seem to live the fabulous life that you only dream at. Guess what?  You are beautiful too! Yes, you read right! You are beautiful too! You just have to believe that! And "work" a little...

Helena Rubinstein said that "there are no ugly women, only lazy women." Usually these “lazy" women have awful opinions about themselves. They prefer to believe that they were not endowed by nature with certain qualities and secretly envy beautiful women without knowing that they need to “work” for beauty. And I do not mean necessarily to have plastic surgery or take expensive visits to the salon.

Change comes from the inside first. You need to start working on your confidence. If you don’t think of yourself as a beautiful person the others will think the same. Even those women you admire have issues with their self-confidence. Some of them are never satisfied with how they look. They make drastic and irreversible changes until they become ugly.

After you have worked on your self-confidence, you can start working on your appearance. Create your own style. Start investing in yourself. Not money, but time and feelings.

You do not simply buy beauty, beauty is found and maintained.

I suggest we learn together how to live a beautiful life, how to feel beautiful, how to take care of ourselves and how to build our own fabulous life.

Life on the runway is hard, Cinderella, but is not impossible! You just have to "work” a little…


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